Sunday, 28 August 2016


One fine day, in February '16, a friend Abhay Desai happened to meet along with another of our friend, Prashant Jagade. While conversing they informed about a cycling expedition in which Prashant was taking part in July '16 from Manali to Leh, Khardungla. They asked me casually whether I am interested in coming. Instantly, I confirmed. 
Five months hence, I was on board with 5 strangers, 3 of them Doctors, for the most exciting, tough, character testing tour of my life. 
We started cycling on July 18th, from Manali, 7000ft above sea level. Over a period of next 10 days covered 600km, scaling 6 peaks with a aggregate height of 35000ft!

In these 10 days, we had to stay in Dhabas, tents, tamboos. Sometimes with scarcity of water, no toilets, nights absolutely cold, days scorchingly hot, cycling up with, in some parts, rains pouring down, food on wheels literally, no mobile connectivity, no contacts with our loved ones, suitcase life. After a hard day of cycling for 50-60 km up the slope, when you finally land up in the cozy bed and razai, you find that your neighbour is snoring hard! But, with no option, completely tired, you ignore that and go to sleep, to once again get ready early in the morning for another day of hard work on a bicycle. 

Among the 6 of us, Dr Sameer Datar, fed up with these extreme conditions, asked the question, "Why are we doing this?"

Really, why all this? 

Leaving the comforts of our home, away from loved ones, no regular food or staying conditions, guerreling routes, legs aching, mind giving up, less than 50% Oxygen to breath, 7-8 hours of physical strain day in and day out....... after all WHY?

We finally reached our destination and after some sight-seeing at Leh, flied down to our home. 

Today, as I contemplate, in peace, analysing the mental and physical conditions, got the answer to that question WHY?

Firstly,I realise that my working capacity has increased manifolds! Earlier, I was under the impression that I can't work for more than 8-10 hrs. But now I can carry on effortlessly for 15-16 hrs and more.

Secondly, after the unimaginable stressful conditions, I can withstand any amount of pressure in life. Come what may, I am not going to give up.... Period!

Thirdly, I witnessed the vastness of nature! Ah...ha....ha! He is great! The eyes could not fit in one sight all that was laid down before you! High Mountains, some of them laid with ice, some rocky, some with tall and short trees. Some besides you, some far off further than the horizon. Valleys so deep that you get shivers looking down! Rivers of all kinds, forms and colours, flowing along. Huge plains, like deserts and you, like a spec of dust, riding amongst them. 

Thank you God for giving me an opportunity to experience your work of art!

So, Dr Sameer, I finally got the answer to your WHY!

Thursday, 18 August 2016

All is His


Naina, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a soul mate. You give any name to the relation we shared  it still won't be able to touch the depth of our feeling for each other.

My adventure into the world of blogging was started because of her. 

A fantastic blogger herself, here is her last blog.

"The felt good and the felt bad,

Both is an illusion.

The felt profit and the felt loss, 
Both is an illusion.

The felt approval and the felt denial, 
Both is an illusion.

The sense of right and the wrong, 
Both is an illusion.

The felt winning in the experience and the losing, 
Both is an illusion.

The felt love and the felt hatred,  
Both, is an illusion.

The felt solace and the felt hurt, 
Both, is an illusion.

I say it, as "felt" and not as is. 
As that's 'my' feeling in that moment. 
It stays true, just for 'me' and moreover, only for that moment.

What is, is to accept, both being an illusion. 
What is, is to, just be. 
What is, is just to -
Be Aware, Watch, Acknowledge, Accept, Embrace and carry the "knowing" within, that -

"It's just in the divine order."

Naina is no more. But her memory lingers.  

A fantastic writer, a poet, an excellent sportsman, a marathoner, a designer, an editor, a micro biologist, a trainer, an able Public Speaker, a loving sister, a caring daughter, an ideal friend, and much much more.

Dear Naina, were you for real or ...... just an illusion?