We come into this world not having a choice of to whom we are born (Parents) where we are born (place) or how will we grow physically.
A Kohli born in a Cricket fanatic nation or a Maradona born in a Football fanatic nation get an added advantage of being short in height as a batsman and a forward respectively. A Stephen Curry (Basketball, USA) or a Usain Bolt (Runner, Jamaica) are tall. A Basketball player or a Sprinter benefit from being tall.
It shows that the place of birth and your physique determines the difference between a fairly successful career and a world beater.
The Location of a Restaurant is the most important part for its success. The location is decided by the purpose for which it is established.
A Restaurant can run equally well at a thickly populated area, or in an island where no one resides or even at the top of the Mountain where accessibility itself is an effort. The only condition is our clarity of purpose for which the Restaurant has come into being.
The next important factor is its size. Again the purpose of the Restaurant plays an important factor. A चाय की टपरी (roadside outlet) can be as viable as the Restaurant having space enough for a 1000 Customers.
We have to define our demand for the location and space required in advance. Once it is freezed and we finalise on a place there will be no option left. If we fail in this then to make the Project successful either we have to change the purpose of the Restaurant altogether or...... close down. No 3rd way out here!