Tuesday, 14 June 2016


By heart I am a Sportsman. Hence anything good, related to Sports, attracts me.

My friend, Amit Thakkar, saw the movie 'Pele' and gave excellent reviews. He said, it's a must to show the movie to our kids.

Accordingly, I planned and finally succeeded in convincing the whole family into watching 'Pele'

Due to traffic jam, we entered the theatre 15min late. But, got connected to it immediately, which was wonderful.

After watching the movie, the one thing which kept on lingering in my mind was "Ginga". 

What's "Ginga"?
It's the name given to describe the type of football which the Brazilians play.

What does it mean?
From whatever I understood, there is a story behind it. Portuguese, who ruled Brazil, in the 16th Century, brought bonded labour from Africa to Brazil. These labourers were tortured a lot. Hence, for their self defence, they developed a martial art, which they named as "Ginga". When the Portugals came to know about it, they banned it. 
The Portugals brought the game football into Brazil. These labourers discovered that they could practice "Ginga" while playing football and hence they started playing this game in their own unique style.
Over the years, generations together, played this game in the same style. It now became a part of themselves. 
This style of play was criticised a lot by the Europeans, but Pele showed the world how to win the World Cup by this style.

After watching this, something inside me was searching for an answer. I was almost on the brink of discovering it but was not able to fathom. And finally, everything became crystal clear. It was almost as if, I knew it all the time!

My ancestors too had followed a particular way of life. Until my father shifted to a different place, a different profession altogether, for generations, we had been doing the same thing, following the same lifestyle.

In me too, there might be traces of that thought pattern, of those habits, of those lifestyle. What is that "Ginga" inside me?

I realised, a lot of me has that "Ginga"!
Whether it's my food habits, or my effortless management skills which a farmer has, or my sense of humour, which I have often experienced in my native village where they have this tendency to crack jokes inspite of some hard conditions around.

There was also a realisation, that only when I am at my "Ginga", I remain confident, I remain happy, I remain peaceful. If I shift from my "Ginga", I get insecure and I don't perform.

So I infer. 
Let me know my "Ginga".
Let me live with it not caring about successes or failures. 
This will make me happy & peaceful. 
Nothing else can!

So, "What's your "Ginga"?


  1. I agree that you can always be in your jinga but breaking your jinga may help sometimes and lead to newer avenues, help you explore the unexplored.

  2. By the way I am inspired to create my blog as well..coming soon.

  3. Totally connected to morning Rebirth meet where each one of us have a Ginga of being human, helping human, respecting human and finally saving human......

  4. Very interesting topic touched .... Thanks!
    Waiting to watch Pele now !!!
    Are you screening?

    1. No Amit. But you do make it a point to watch it. You will love the movie.
      Maybe, one more blog will appear about it in Amitchats!

  5. Captain.. Rajesh Shetty strikes!
    What a debut!
    Loved it.
    Of all that you shared, I remember the words you shared with me on this article..
    "when you are in your 'Jinga' nothing else matters. It's that feeling of completeness. You could never have enough of it and paradoxically you still feel complete."


    Your words.. truly struck a chord !

    Thankyou for sharing a beautiful article.

    1. Thanks Naina for inspiring me, suggesting me, cajoling me, pushing me and then helping me start this blog.

  6. I agree that you can always be in your jinga but breaking your jinga may help sometimes and lead to newer avenues, help you explore the unexplored.

    1. Explore the unexplored!
      That's what seems to be your motto of life Rajni.

  7. Your article fills me up with confidence! Because even if I'm unable to discover my 'ginga(s)'yet, I know that deep down inside me there already exists one...

    Eagerly look forward to reading more of your work. Congratulations for the fantastic beginning!

    1. Juhi... lovely sharing. So true.. "there already exists one, within all of us." Just this thought is so empowering.

    2. Thanks Juhi!
      Your Ginga of writing effortlessly is one of the inspiration behind starting this blog. I always excitedly am waiting for your next blog.

  8. As always, very thought provoking blog Rajesh. My ginga makes me confident, peaceful & at ease. But, does it make me comfortable? Haven't seen the movie Pele but will see it now.

    1. Nice thought Sudeep. It's not about being comfortable. It's just that its inside us. We just have to identify it.

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  10. Reading ur article, i too discovered that i too had that ginga in me,when i closed permit room , i wanted to do something different , from hotel business ,i had interest in ooccult science , so i started studing occult science , while studing this science i thought i m very much known to it, now i too want to watch the movie, just to know ginga

    1. It's always nice to have the clarity in life and now you have discovered your passion too, Anna.

  11. Good one Rajesh. The writing trait is a beautiful way to explore a new dimension of your versatile personality. We have a lot of common likings except for writing. ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ
    All the best.

    1. I liked the statement, "We have a lot of common liking". I too feel that way.

  12. Am sure your Jinga article will be as popular with all as the current flavour of the season...jing jing jingaat!

  13. This maybe your first article Uncle but I'm rejoicing. I can connect with each and every part of it. From the movie to what my ancestors practiced and so much of it is within me. I feel I just have to unveil it, the ginga within me. For if that's the source of our happiness I'm sure now that it lies within.

    Happy Writing and Blogging.

    1. You still have to unveil it, Gudiya? Than what's your blog all about? One poem every day!
      You are just..... Fantabulous!

    2. Hahaha! Consistency and commitment have been my only strength Uncle. They will never go! Thank you so much.:)


  14. Every person has it's own way of understanding and utilizing that word in their life.
    Well , the word Jinga, itself sounds very energetic. Now , when I am with this energy whole day, all my things r done. At the end of the day, I am at peace, satisfied, very comfortable and ready for a good deep sleep.
    Also, I think we all should carry the values(jinga) of our ancestors,they have taught us many good things which can be passed on ahead very easily. Of course my Shheeeeee jokes r not from my ancestors๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜, they r my own creations, which I have already passed to harsh๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…..
    So for me jinga is love, music, peace, laughter,..., I will always attach this word jinga to anything that gives me peace, satisfaction, smile,etc and to the other person too...
    Love u

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  16. Very well written Rajesh .. Enjoy your Ginga.

  17. Dear rajesh....three words for you



    To the point

    Writing actually opens up your mind to many of us...it helps us to know the way you think..the way you are...

    Really looking forward for more amazing work from you

    Love you

    1. That's a perfect insight, Nirmal. Simple, Elegant, to the point!

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Good debut Rajesh. Simple, to the point, and yet profound. looking forward to watching Pele now !

    Thank you
    big hug and a high five !


    1. Big hug and high five!
      Thanks for the encouragement.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Ginga is roots. Can't stand without them. Higher you go ....Deeper the Ginga Values......

    Whatever we do "Back to the roots" is the way..... Welcome to the world of blogs with a Bang RAjeshji.....

  22. Nice article - good topic, well written.

    My point of view:
    - The Ginga are our fundamentals. Fundamentals cannot change.
    - As someone said in their comments - exploring also opens up doors to the unexplored. True - but there is are two aspects to this: explore as an experiment then imbibe the same if it aligns with or enhances (not shakes the fundamentals).

    Three completely different examples. Two I noticed in Japan:
    1. You will notice two things on Japanese streets: (i) extremely clean (ii) no trash bins
    Japanese are clean freaks. (Fundamentals)
    Apparently there was a bomb explosion where the bomb was planted in the trash bin. The govt removed the trash bins from the streets. Now does this mean people throw trash on the streets? No. People adapted and ensured that they carry the trash back home and trash appropriately. They did not mess with the fundamentals though a new rule came in.

    2. Adopting technology (warning: someone may say sheesh, what topic?)
    Back to clean freaks, Japanese do use water in toilets very much like Indians. With the arrival of western style toilets, they did not just to toilet paper. Instead, enhanced the seats to ensure water is available for cleaning. You will not find a single western style toilet in Japan w/o water faucets.
    When I saw this for the first time, I was struck with wonder - Japanese don't just embrace new stuff - they make it align with their fundamentals and make it work or them. Aping the west is just not done.

    3. Coming back to India... overtime we have been fed with enough Western marketing of fad diets, etc. fundas about how *not* to ue turmeric for wounds, how coconuts are bad for health, use of cereals, etc. Just go back to our Ginga and you will find that our culture, our food and our home remedies are so highly developed that this Ginga is enough for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle without fad diets etc. This Ginga will also tell you that the key of good health is in taking good stuff that ensures good health. Even Ayurveda works at the root cause, not superficial stuff. Forget the ads, go back to our Ginga and we will be happy. Apply this to almost any western piece we seem to ape today and you will see the side effects ... be it processed foods, GMO grains, Jersey cows versus Indian cows... guys we will see we are detroying and losing our own Ginga. Day is not far when west will research our scriptures and sell them back to us (not as our scriptures, but packaged as if its their new research and then we follow that research again, dropping our own Ginga which we never bothered to uncover).

    Wake up to our Ginga folks!!

    1. Bharat, you are spot on!
      'Wake up to our Ginga'! Makes so much sense. Respecting our past, our tradition, our age old practices, I suppose will do the trick.
