Sunday, 19 June 2016

Making it, my friend!

Volleyball was a game I aspired to play since years. Got an opportunity and I started to practice diligently. Just in 3 days of my practice, my forearms had got inflammed turning my skin to black and blue. 

My teammate, Purshottam Chawla, shared that he too had experienced the same thing but had continued with his practice and over a period of time his forearms were back to normal.

Trusting him, I too decided to carry on with the practice inspite of the excruciating pain.
As I practiced the next day, I feared the ball and avoided committing myself to the game. As a result, that day, I played sloppily and was frustrated with my performance. Something had to be done. I can't be in the playing team and fear the ball at the same time.

The whole night I kept searching for the solution. Finally, I decided, come what may I am going to play without getting bothered by the pain. I will, 'make the ball my friend'. With a firm resolve, I went for the practice. Now nothing mattered. It was only me and my 'friend', the ball. That day I played the best. Suddenly everyone was confident of my game. They decided to place me in a crucial position in the court. In the next few days, I was freezed to be, in that crucial position. I was now wanting the ball to come to me, I wanted to hit it, with the same forearms. I wanted to tame it. I wanted it to be in sync with it. It was no longer, my foe. The same ball which had put me in trouble had already turned to be my best friend.

The D-day arrived. We played 3 games. The first one, we won and the other two we lost by slender margins. My game was appreciated by everyone. No one believed that just 15 days back I had known nothing of this game.

I had discovered a magical key to success - 
"If I am learning something new and I find it difficult then, let me make that impossible instrument or task or place, 'my friend'."

I experienced, when I do that, suddenly everything feels easy and possible and I move on to a zone wherein I start doing that act effortlessly.

I experienced the same thing on my attempt to climb up, the Sinhagad hill. 

In my first attempt, I panted my way up in more than 70min. This trek appeared to be an uphill task for me. I applied my formula of turning the mountain track to be my friend. Each attempt after that of climbing the mountain turned out to be more and more easier. Finally in my 13th attempt, I climbed the same hill, in flat 42min!

'Making it, my friend' is the magical key I now have discovered. 

So whether it's about being, behind the steering wheel, any musical instrument I want to learn, the frying pan I want to use to learn cooking or even using the mouse, to learn the computers - The only thing I need to ask myself is, can I make them my friend?

Would you like to try?


  1. Very well expressed Rajesh.With positive attitude one can overcome the greatestof challenges.

  2. Spot on...

    Getting philosophical and tying your Ginga thread to this... What you seem to have done is to go back to your (our) Ginga...
    What is Narali Pournima? An offering or an honouring of the sea ...the fisherman prays to the sea for the catch. By seeking its blessings, he wants the sea on his side... Making the sea his friend.
    Why do you do Laxmi pooja or Saraswati pooja?
    If you notice, our festivals / customs are of two kinds:
    a) to seek blessings before an event (to make possible adversaries our friend)
    b) to seek blessings after an event (as a mark of gratitude)
    Have you noticed great singers like the Mangeshkars touch the platform on which they will perform? Asha Bhonsale will go further and seek forgiveness for potential mistakes from the audience beforehand -- making them a friend.

    What you did my friend was mentally making the ball your friend. Forget not to thank it for te great friendship you had and the great game you had.

    1. WOW!
      That's a fantabulous insight!
      You have added more value to this thought of 'making it my friend' than I had ever imagined!

  3. Looks like you also make the pen / keyboard - in the new world your friend. :)

  4. Very nice write up Rajesh... I loved it :)

  5. So very be in place where there are no foes nd only friends...
    Turning every foe to a friend!!!wow

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  7. Dushman ko Apna Bana lo....... fir kya all is well .....

    1. Hahaha.....क्या बात है!
      Simplified as only you can, Ashishji.

  8. Beautiful Rajesh Bhai.
    Look at challenges as a fun & game will change.
    Thanks for wonderful sharing.

  9. Super inspirational insight...and that too based on real experiences. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Rocky. I was waiting for your validation.

  10. सुरेख विचार, शत्रुला मित्र बनवणं हे तर सर्वज्ञात आहेच, पण वैचारिक शत्रुसुध्दा मित्र बनू शकतो हे आपण ऊदाहरणासह दाखवून दिलत.

  11. Very well written, a challenge to be treated as your friend, this will help a lot overcoming that challenge. Thanks Sir making it so simple.

  12. Thanks. May I know who this is?

  13. Challenges are like mountain trek, we start facing with great enthusiasm but after some time it gets difficult to continue the momentum.
    Your blog is the solution to overcome that difficult period when we go through that tough patch.
    I had also experienced the same when I was selected for relay race. Initially when we started practicing, I was worried about getting a hamstring injury. While watching TV I came across the scene of movie 'Bhag Milkha Bhag', where Milkha Singh at the start of race visualizes the complete track and just flies off. Fortunately at the time of selection the save formula worked and my complete focus was on visualizing the track. Finally i was selected to run for the first position and we won gold.
    Thanks Rajesh will surely adapt your formula to achieve better results.
    Loads of love

  14. Nice...quite interesting concept.
    Will try n keep in mind.
    Waiting for more such ideas...

  15. आयुष्यात असे अनेकदा घडते. एखादी गोष्ट कराायची असते पण भीतीपोटी त्या छोट्या गोष्टींचा ब्रम्हराक्षस वाटतो. त्या भीतीवर यशस्वीपणे मात करता येते हे एकदा लक्षात आले की त्या प्रत्येक ब्रम्हराक्षसाशी जणू मैत्रीच होउन जाते. नवीन कोणतीही गोष्ट करताना भीती वाटणे स्वाभाविकच आहे. शेवटी डर के आगे जीत हेच खरे.
    राजेशजी, उत्तम विचार!keep writing.

    1. "ब्रम्हराक्षस"
      Fantastic insight Shakila Ma'am!

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